Kill the DJ just launched a Telegram channel, so if you want faster updates, off-the-record insights, exclusive stories, and raw thoughts before they go through full editorial processing, this is where you need to be. Sometimes you just want quick news without an entire article—Telegram lets you get to the core fast, which is perfect for on-the-go reading.
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🔹 News before it hits the site – some stories will drop on Telegram days before they appear on Kill the DJ.
🔹 Exclusive content – some stories won’t make it to the website at all. Telegram-only deep cuts.
🔹 No heavy editing, no fluff – just straight-to-the-point updates, music tech news, and industry shifts as they happen.

🔹 Quick alerts about important releases, events, and collaborations.
🔹Direct feedback & discussions – you can comment, react, and even suggest topics for coverage.
🔹 Closer connection – unlike a newsletter (which is one-way), Telegram allows for two-way engagement via comments, polls, and chats.

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