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Stink Studios Releases Creep Fake This Halloween to Show Your Sinister Self

Meet your evil twin jumping up this Halloween.

Photo by sebastiaan stam / Unsplash

Ready to bring some shivers down your spine this Halloween? Meet Creep Fake, a new project by Stink Studios.

Stink Studios delves deeper into the realm of artificial intelligence and launches Creep Fake, inviting you to confront your spooky alter ego just in time for the eeriest night of the year 🎃

Image owned by Stink Studios

Stink Studios has crafted Creep Fake using a distinctive fusion of various Gen-AI technologies. Users will find themselves face-to-face with their sinister twin through a custom-built mobile site, engaging in a spine-tingling conversation before encountering an unexpected surprise thanks to the enchanting power of creepy AI sorcery.

How Creep Fake works

To create Creep Fake, Stink Studios used multiple AI technologies, including MidJourney, to generate hundreds of AI horror portraits and picked the most terrifying. They also used Replicate to choose a random photo from a bank of 13 portraits and blend it with the user’s selfie to create your final Creep Fake image.

Image owned by Stink Studios

The developers also exploited ChatGPT (of course, they did!) to allow you to have a text conversation with an evil bot. They trained the AI so that it always left an open question to keep you engaged.

The next technology that is under the hood of Creep Fake is 11Lab's AI text-to-voice model that allows the chat to reply vocally, with a gravelly, whispering unsettling tone.

How to use Creep Fake

If you dare, take a selfie and visit the Creep Fake website. Then, you'll have a text chat with your Creep Fake before it suddenly bursts on screen with a jump-scare.

You can access Creep Fake via promos on social media and their website. If you live in London, you can find QR code promo stickers that will be placed around London.

Is my data secured if I use Creep Fake?

In Creep Fake, privacy and data security are of utmost importance. No user data is retained for longer than an hour after the experience is completed, and personal data is processed only with the user's consent. Stink Studios places significant emphasis on ethical and responsible AI practices to provide a secure and enjoyable encounter.

If you want to read more coverage on AI, check the Kill the DJ's AI section.

