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Live Gigs Are Getting Easier for Both Artists & Venues with This New AmptUp's Feature

Photo by Ivan Teece / Unsplash

AmptUp, an all-in-one booking platform, has just released a new Payouts calculator. The goal is to improve transparency, provide a better event management, and make booking processes easier for indie artists and venues who often need a more precise documentation and information sharing during live performances and gigs. So the talks on payment arrangements will now be upfront thanks to consolidating booking-related tasks and providing a centralised repository for documents and event data.

The AmptUp platform provides loads of resources for venue owners and musicians and seamlessly integrates with existing event planning tools, ticket platforms and vendor management systems, thus simplifying workflow management, specifically focusing on the needs of musicians when it comes to booking and coordinating events.

The introduction of the Payouts feature is expected to bring time and cost savings for both venues and artists—previously venue owners often used email threads and spreadsheets to handle bookings, which lead to inefficiencies and fragmented communication. This new functionality was designed to change that and replace email chains with a hub for contracts, marketing materials and event details, ensuring that artists get paid and venue owners have more time to focus on curating lineups and running their businesses.

Another perk for venues is that they can track the status of a booking in real-time, receive artist assets at the time of booking, and easily calculate payouts. Artists, in turn, have easy access to every detail to ensure they arrive on time and with all the right equipment–booking confirmations, tech setup information, house rules, and even the marketing and hospitality offers from the venue.

“We've done heavy research into the artist experience, and a lot of artists have a story about managing payouts at 2 a.m. or while racing to catch a plane, only to find out that they aren't getting paid what they expected,” says Holly Hagerman, Co-Founder and CEO of AmptUp in a press release. “This is almost always due to an unclear contract or paperwork getting lost in the shuffle. Independent venues and artists rely on each other and AmptUp’s new Payouts feature helps maintain these symbiotic relationships by ensuring that everyone is clear on the terms of the deal with a total sell-out potential number shown in writing.”

When a booker sends a booking offer, the musician receives a text or email with all of the booking and compensation details. After reviewing the offer, the musician can choose to accept it. From there, they are prompted to upload their information, payment details, photos for marketing, and any required paperwork like W9s. All data uploaded by both the venue and the talent flows into the booking offer—creating a single source of truth for all parties to refer back to at any time.

Recently launching in Portland, AmptUp partnered with several local independent venues before spreading to other live music hubs.

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