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Photo by Jukka Aalho / Unsplash

Podcasts are a hit because they’re engaging, informative, and fun to listen to. But there’s a catch — most podcasts are only accessible through listening. The solution is to have transcripts for them. They make podcasts accessible to everyone, like those who have hearing difficulties, limited internet access, or who just prefer reading over listening.

So, if you want to reach a broader audience with your podcast, find out how to transcribe a podcast to text here.

Why You Should Always Transcribe Your Podcasts

Appeals to different audiences

Many first-time visitors to your podcast will read transcripts to assess the content’s value. This preference isn’t just limited to the hard-of-hearing community. Even those without hearing difficulties appreciate the convenience of reading. It helps them avoid distractions and discomfort that listening-only might bring.

Makes the podcast more user-focused

Offering transcripts makes your podcast accessible, easy, and comfortable for users. You show that you care about catering to audience preferences, and this helps you earn their respect and build a dedicated following.

Boosts SEO

Adding a transcript to your podcast boosts SEO because it helps people find your content on search engines. In turn, this brings in more traffic.

It’s easy

Transcribing isn’t hard or expensive! AI-powered tools provide fast, high-quality transcription, so it isn’t a huge additional task in your editing and posting workflow.

Method 1: Waveroom

The first and perhaps easiest method is to record, polish, and transcribe your podcast or interview using a single tool like Waveroom. Here’s how to transcribe a podcast for free with it:

Credit: Waveroom
  1. Log in to Waveroom or create an account.
  2. Choose your microphone and headphones in the Devices tab.
  3. Start a meeting and click Record.
  4. Stop recording when finished.
  5. Wait for the recording to save.
  6. Denoise the recording by removing background noise.
Credit: Waveroom

7. Click Make Transcription to convert the recording to text.

8. Download the transcription in .srt format with timestamps.

9. Open the .srt file in a text editor to view the transcription.

Method 2: FlexClip

The alternative, FlexClip, combines detailed editing with transcription, so it’s also a versatile choice for content creators:

Credit: FlexClip
  1. Upload your podcast audio or video to FlexClip from your device or cloud storage.
  2. Add the uploaded file to the timeline and make any necessary edits like trimming.
Credit: FlexClip

3. Use Auto AI Subtitle feature to automatically transcribe your podcast to text.

4. Review and download the transcription in your preferred format. Customize subtitles and add music if desired.

5. Preview your edited podcast and export it to share or save.

Method 3: Descript

Another comprehensive tool at your service is Descript, and fortunately for users, the process is as familiar and straightforward as with the other two:

Credit: Descript
  1. Drag and drop your file into Descript.
  2. Descript generates a transcript synced with your audio.
  3. Delete filler words and rearrange text as needed.
  4. Use Correct mode to fix any mistakes without changing the audio.
  5. Choose your format (text, Word, subtitle) and export.
  6. Share or embed your transcript using Descript’s media player.

Anything Else to Consider?

Sure, if you’re curious about exploring other options, there are some alternatives to consider. While there isn’t a significant difference in what competitors tend to offer, these tools provide the functionalities you need:

  • Veed
  • Rev
  • Trint
  • Temi
  • Sonix
  • Notta
  • Happy Scribe
  • Go Transcript

Can You Transcribe on Your Own?

Yes, it’s not that difficult, but it will take more time, of course.

To write a transcript of a podcast yourself, you’ll need a word processor (like Microsoft Word or Google Docs) and an audio player with a rewind function. It’s best if the player has a quick rewind button (typically 10-15 seconds) to assist in your transcription.

Start by typing exactly what you hear from the podcast, including even insignificant dialogue from each speaker. Clearly mark each speaker’s turn to ensure clarity and accuracy. Some guests may speak at length, so break their responses and indicate their ongoing speech at each paragraph break.

Try to eliminate verbal fillers like “um” or “you know” because they don’t translate well into written text. It’s about the balance of achieving an accurate transcription and cleaning up any unnecessary filler language.

Can You Hire Someone to Transcribe?

Yes, you can hire someone to transcribe audio or video content on freelance platforms. The benefit is that it takes minimal effort, and a skilled transcriber can provide higher-quality results compared to AI-generated transcripts.

However, this comes with a price tag, unlike some free transcription options. Even worse, the quality of results varies, and you may need to pay more for better quality or wait longer.

Let’s say you decide to go with this option and choose Upwork. Here, you can find transcriptionists of varying skill levels, from beginners to experienced experts. Freelancers set their rates, usually ranging from $10 to $100 per audio hour.

  1. Go to Upwork and sign up.
  2. Create a job title that accurately reflects your needs.
  3. Select the job skills that match the services you're looking for.
  4. Determine the project’s duration and specify the location of potential hires.
  5. Set your budget for the services.
  6. Attach your file and provide clear instructions for the professional. Keep in mind that Upwork’s maximum upload size is 100 MB, so consider compressing larger files if needed.
  7. Review the transcribed results. Once satisfied, approve the work and proceed with payment as per the agreed terms.

What You Can Do With the Transcript

Share on social media

Pull out interesting quotes or insights from transcripts and share them on social media platforms to drive traffic to your podcast.

Write email newsletters

Use excerpts from transcripts for engaging email newsletters and keeping your subscribers informed even if they take a break from the podcast.

Create blog posts

Convert transcripts into blog posts or articles. This will be like a written version of your podcast content for readers who prefer text-based formats.

Create ebooks or guides

Compile transcripts from related episodes into ebooks or downloadable guides. This is particularly beneficial for creators with expert-based content.

Put up infographics or visual

Use data or key points from transcripts to create visually appealing infographics or graphics. Even complex information becomes more digestible and shareable.

Should You Also Have Video?

That’s a big question, and ultimately, only you can decide what’s best for your show. However, here are some reasons to consider it:

  • Faces are engaging — Humans are naturally drawn to faces, so video podcasts are more attention-grabbing.
  • Familiarity builds preference — Consistent video content makes your audience more familiar with you and leads to a preference for your content.
  • Wider reach — For instance, YouTube’s massive user base can expand your podcast’s audience.

Reasons against:

  • Initial investment — Setting up for video production involves purchasing cameras, lighting, and editing software.
  • Time and money to run it — Producing video content requires more resources, including equipment, space, and editing time.

Video offers some serious benefits, but it’s not for beginners. Starting with audio-only is more manageable, and it allows you to prioritize the quality of your content. As your show expands, it’s worth exploring growth strategies with video content.


Now that you know how to transcribe a podcast and how beneficial it is, there’s no reason to skip this step. It helps you stand out, be more accessible, and lets you repurpose your content into various formats like blogs, social media posts, and email newsletters. Plus, it’s so easy to do when you have the right tools.

Best of luck with your podcasting journey!


How do I transcribe someone else’s podcast?

Transcribing someone else's podcast is done the same way as transcribing your own. Just use the same tools and methods. However, be cautious about copyright laws when using content you don’t own.

Is there a way to translate a podcast?

There isn’t a dedicated tool called a podcast translator, but many transcription services also offer translation services. After transcribing your podcast into text, these services translate the text into various languages. It’s a great option if you want to reach a broader international audience.

Can AI transcribe and translate podcasts?

Yes, AI-based tools transcribe and translate podcasts at a decent level. But you can’t rely on them alone — human editing and proofreading are still necessary for accuracy and quality.

As for audio, Spotify launched Voice Translation for podcasts, which uses AI to translate them into other languages using the podcaster’s voice. This feature will expand to more creators later on.

