This "AI Singer-Songwriter" Is Proof Human Music Is Not in Danger
Anna Indiana’s songs are disturbingly bad.
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Entertaining pieces and latest news on music & what's going on in music tech
Anna Indiana’s songs are disturbingly bad.
Red flags? Unfamiliar artists, a conspicuous absence of online presence, and a distinctive lack of information on Google about their albums.
Excited about Spotify Wrapped? Read this before you see those bizarre genres in your Wrapped again.
How artists and industry experts react to Spotify's new royalty scheme update. Spoiler: Not everyone is happy.
From student discounts to trial tricks, learn how to access premium features.
Learn how to block a song on Spotify effortlessly, tailor your listening experience, and take control of your music library.
The AI Revolution in Music: A Swiftie's Dream Come True
Having some fun with an AI bot that roasts your music taste.
Steps to take if you want to disable the shuffle mode on Amazon Music.
Coming up with a clear prompt for an AI text-to-music tool & enriching vocabulary.
All about pre-adding a song, album, and EP on Apple Music.
Expect royalty cuts to songs that failed to generate enough streams.
YouTube enhances user experience on its dedicated music platform.
An ultimate guide on how to save music on Instagram and create a music library from Reels and stories.
An ultimate guide on how to find new music on Spotify, social media, music discovery apps, and beyond.